5 Things You Don’t Know are Happening in Your Workplace


5 Things You Don’t Know are Happening in Your Workplace

Tell me if this sounds familiar – you go to the copy room and because two people are there already, you decide to relax and join the conversation, or at least pass some time without thinking about what you should be doing.

1. Every device is yours

2. Total document security

3. Custom-made for you

4. Scan it, don’t jam it

5. Go “driverless”


Printer usage monitoring is a staple in IT departments of all bigger companies. The print management software an organization uses should make generating accurate print reports as easy as possible.

Celý článek

MyQ Tips
6 min read


What used to be a rare benefit, is nowadays a near certainty in any company that doesn’t need round-the-clock staff, e.g. in production or distribution. Home office comes handy to everyone from time to time.

Celý článek

MyQ Life
4 min read

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