MyQ 8.0 just released with new architecture!

At a time when most of our attention is turned towards the world's health crisis, we would like to share a piece of good news with you. For MyQ, it is the outcome of several-months' worth of design, coding and testing – in other words, focusing on what we do best – and for our Partners and their customers, hopefully something to look forward to once it's safe to come to the office again.
At a time when most of our attention is turned towards the world's health crisis, we would like to share a piece of good news with you. For MyQ, it is the outcome of several-months' worth of design, coding and testing – in other words, focusing on what we do best – and for our Partners and their customers, hopefully something to look forward to once it's safe to come to the office again.
We are, of course, talking about the long-awaited update of MyQ Print Server to version 8.0, which comes with functionality that has been re-vamped and perfected according to wishes and demands coming directly from the end user.
In order to make our customers' lives yet a little bit easier, we have completely rewritten MyQ's core architecture to dramatically improve the efficiency of the entire system. From now on, MyQ is based on job accounting to provide a faster response, guarantees accurate reporting and even introduces simultaneous multi-user usage of MFPs – in line with our claim "Focus on what you do best!".
Many other pleasant surprises are wrapped in MyQ 8.0, e.g. the fact that we have opened watermarks for customization, integrated a tool for fully automated device configuration,… and that's just the top of the list.
Download yours in Get Your Plan and make the most of it by upgrading to Enterprise – shoot us a message to [email protected].
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MyQ Tips
7 min de lecture
Comme annoncé au début du mois, MyQ X est le nouvel environnement des produits, des licences et des prix de MyQ.
2 min de lecture
Le 7 juillet 2020, nous avons lancé le produit MyQ dernière génération : MyQ X. Cependant, c’est au début de cette même année que remontent les prémices de cet environnement repensé. Nous avions alors lancé MyQ 8.0 et sa nouvelle architecture centrale, sa nouvelle session utilisateur et les versions Smart, Enterprise et Ultimate.
2 min de lecture