MyQ Roger: The sky is no longer the limit!

MyQ has done it again. We have pushed the limits commonly associated with your average printing solution. Please allow us to introduce you to MyQ’s very own, 100% cloud-based MyQ Roger – the Smart Digital Workplace Assistant.
With the growing relevance of cloud-based solutions in the printing (scanning and copying) industry, a trend that was strongly accelerated this year, MyQ’s CEO Martin Janus and his development team spotted a challenge that could not go unanswered. After many intense weeks of programming and rigorous testing, MyQ Roger, a revolutionary cloud solution, was ready for launch. Strap on your seat belt and let us give you a brief aerial view of what Roger can do for your company’s document workflows. Literally to the moon and back!
What is MyQ Roger?
When MyQ X was first rolled out, it was announced mainly as a print management solution with high-end security features, personalization options for maximum efficiency and accurate cost reporting. As dozens of customer stories have shown us, the reduction of printing costs and hundreds of hours saved are a reality when MyQ X is implemented in a business. With this mission accomplished, so to speak, MyQ has plotted a course for a new objective, and has created an entirely new product family member to achieve it: MyQ Roger.
Called a “Smart Digital Workplace Assistant”, MyQ Roger is here to boost two areas of print management services: flexibility and efficiency. Working environments are constantly evolving around us and businesses are moving their daily activities and systems to cloud platforms. MyQ is aware of how important it is to cut any strings and cables that might be holding customers back from moving their data and documents between physical to digital form “on the go”. As you will see yourself, Roger’s architecture and state-of-the-art features are more than capable to finally give them the freedom anyone expects from the 21st century.
About private and public clouds
As cloud technology plays a key role in the concept of MyQ Roger, it might be worth a brief theoretical background. Thanks to cloud solutions, businesses don’t need to worry about buying and maintaining their own server that will centralize and distribute company data. By moving their infrastructure to the virtual server, they also transfer the burden of maintaining and updating hardware and software to the owners of that virtual space and computing power – the cloud service providers.
There are different types of clouds, but perhaps the most relevant two are public and private cloud. How do they differ from one another?
Private cloud is designated only to one customer and its provider is responsible solely for its maintenance and updates, but not for the software running on it. If needed, the customer can move the entire company’s infrastructure into this cloud without having to change it.
The story is a bit different with the public cloud, as it is shared among many different users and it simply provides services that run only when necessary. Due to the ability to sustain peaks and drops in user traffic, public cloud solutions are highly scalable. At the same time, security is not an issue, because each user has their own closed session – the so-called multi-tenancy feature of public cloud computing – which makes sure that individual users’ (tenants’) data remains separate and intact.
Ready when you are
Of course, MyQ has been making its functions cloud-ready for a long time, which was recently seen e. g. with the release of MyQ’s connector to Universal Print by Microsoft, or in the option to install MyQ in Microsoft Azure AD. However, with MyQ Roger, MyQ’s flight toward the cloud takes a whole new altitude, because this service relies on 100% remote operation from a cloud environment. It completely bypasses the typical easy-or-hard-to-install dilemma, because MyQ Roger's deployment is easy and web-based. It's there, waiting and ready to be used directly from the cloud, which makes the clunky installation step vanish in thin air.
So far, customers could enjoy the greatest advantages of the cloud-based MyQ X only in Microsoft 365 private cloud, but MyQ Roger now becomes a SaaS solution and spans both types, including Microsoft Azure public cloud services.
How far can Roger take you?
On the first try, printing with MyQ Roger may seem the same as using a traditional printing solution. You open the file you want printed, send it to a multifunction device and have it materialized after authentication. So far so good. That’s because the biggest secret lies beyond the traditional printing trajectory with one piece missing – there is no print server that needs to run in the local network. With Roger pre-installed on the MFPs, an IT admin can just centrally manage users in Roger's web UI and forget about PC printer drivers or server maintenance. Because it's SaaS (software as a service), everything is taken care of from the digital sky above. This brings a considerable relief to a company’s on-site IT agenda.
Thanks to the fact that MyQ Roger doesn’t depend on a specific printing server installed in your company’s network, it offers unparalleled availability.
Launching document workflows
With the new design on our Embedded terminal, you have a secure dynamic QR code directly on the display. The insides of Roger’s terminal have been revolutionized as well. Apart from traditional predefined copy functions and scanning workflows under color tiles that are automatically there, there are now also grey tiles representing a user’s recent copy, scan or print jobs, so they can conveniently re-use them.
An action is selected with a tap and triggered with a swipe, and that’s it. There's also a possibility to launch workflows with voice commands, thanks to your built-in voice assistant. MyQ Roger will fly documents from your cloud storage to the printing device, or vice versa. It also allows browsing documents in cloud folders in the native MyQ Roger app.
Register to MyQ’s Early Eagles Program
After witnessing the unveiling of MyQ Roger, it is now the right time for businesses to hop on board the passenger airliner headed towards the cloud. We have launched a membership program for Early Eagles – businesses who want to reserve front-row seats to keep a close eye on MyQ Roger. They will be the first to provide MyQ Roger to their customers, have a direct hotline to Roger's DEV team, and also get the chance to develop their own add-ons and 3rd party connections to the service!
Does it sound like it should be you? Join the ranks of Early Eagles today.