MyQ & Universal Print by Microsoft

MyQ's new connector to Universal Print for Microsoft 365 users is a marvellous marriage between two pieces of cutting-edge software.

Cloud printing for you!

MyQ & Universal Print by Microsoft

Cloud Printing with Microsoft 365

Mobility for workers has become a new gold standard, and the modern era requires it.

Microsoft's new cloud printing solution, Universal Print, is a service hosted in the Microsoft 365 cloud. Many businesses are moving their systems to the cloud, and this shift also often means moving to a cloud-based print management service.

What are the perks of Universal Print?

  1. Users can send print jobs from outside the company network with only internet connection – no VPN needed
  2. There is no need to download and install anything extra – no print drivers needed
  3. Universal Print offers up the nearest printer based on geo-location​ – automatic printer discovery

Users get access to the cloud-based print management service after a single sign-on into Azure AD. It delivers excellent availability, scalability and security thanks to Microsoft Azure's advanced cloud technology.

Read article to learn more

Cloud Printing with Microsoft 365

What MyQ adds to Universal Print by Microsoft

The combination with MyQ X and MyQ Roger features gives a significant power boost to Universal Print.

Thanks to Universal Print's integration with MyQ X, the cloud service is extended to any print device, even older models that are not UP-compatible. And on top of that...

Businesses get all popular MyQ X features like:

  • enhanced centralized print management & fleet monitoring
  • air-tight security for the entire lifecycle of a document
  • advanced accounting methods
  • highly customizable reports
  • credit and quota options
  • delegated queues as a standard

In combination with Microsoft 365 and Universal Print, MyQ customers reduce their print service costs, improve their document security and empower their remote workers with a strong printing management tool​.

MyQ Roger goes even further and integrates Universal Print in full. This means users get a free choice between printing from their PC and printing on the go from the MyQ Roger mobile app. In any scenario, they only need internet connection, which makes MyQ Roger ideal for remote workers. Their files are secure at all times – they're only shared with Microsoft Azure and locked tight behind a dynamic QR code login at the printing device. 

What MyQ adds to Universal Print by Microsoft

Partnership with Microsoft

We are naturally keeping up with Microsoft's technological advances.

MyQ is a partner software solution of Universal Print.

MyQ X is easily deployed in Microsoft Azure Private Cloud, which can be extremely helpful to businesses in terms of server maintenance costs and security or availability concerns. 

For customers leaning towards hybrid solutions, MyQ can also remain installed on-premise – the connector to Universal Print works all the same.

MyQ Roger is a SaaS solution running in the Microsoft Azure Public Cloud, and offers the use of Universal Print as a feature built directly in its core. Only subscription to MyQ Roger and Microsoft 365 is necessary.

Partnership with Microsoft

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